Having issues?

Here's a list of common issues and how to fix them.

Nothing happens to my Canvas page

Here are a few things to check for:
- Better Canvas only works with Canvas, so if you're trying to use any other learning management system it won't work.
- Make sure the url in the menu is set and is the same url you see when on your Canvas dashboard.
- Make sure the dashboard is in card view and not list view, since most of the features only work in card view.

Card assignments not loading

This is a known issue on older versions - a new version is available but in limited distribution. If you don't already have it, you can update by reinstalling (which will reset all settings) or go to "chrome://extensions" in the address bar, enable developer mode in the top right corner, and press Update.

Page has white spots in dark mode

It can be hard to target everything because gaps need to be manually fixed and I don't have access to some places. If you go to the report an issue tab, go to the dark mode inspector, and press go, this should fill in the gaps to confirm the places that need to be fixed. This should generate an output for me so that I can update it.

Cards not found error

If you go to your canvas page and turn on dark mode (or any other features) but don't see any changes to your page, the url you entered is likely incorrect. Changing it to your correct Canvas url should fix this issue. Otherwise, here are some things to try:
- Make sure to reload both your Canvas page and the menu.
- Exit out of all tabs except your Canvas page and try opening the menu as a popup (by going to the puzzle icon in the top right corner and clicking Better Canvas).
- Reinstalling to reset the extension settings.
- If you go to the "Report an issue" tab in the menu and there is anything in the error log, please send that to me.

Card colors not working

Make sure you're on the dashboard page and the dashboard is in card view. You may also need to have only one Canvas page open.

How to change card colors back

On the dashboard you can click on the three dots in the top right corner of each card to change them individually.

Card colors become duller after refreshing

You likely have High Contrast UI enabled. You can change this by clicking on your account icon in the sidebar and disabling the setting there.

If you're still having issues, please send an email to ksucpea@gmail.com